Chef Rogue Lineage (2025)

1. Chef

  • Meat Vendor (Ultra Chef)

  • WARNING: BEFORE YOU GO THIS CLASS MAKE SURE TO NOT COOK ALL THE MEAT IN 1 GO, COOK 21 THEN SPEAK TO TRAINER AND COOK THE NEXT BATCH AND SPEAK TO TRAINER AND REPEAT. THE TRAINER WILL GIVE YOU ONLY THE FIRST SKILL IF YOU COOK 264 IN 1 GO. Chef is one of the 4 Sub Classes in the game. Chef is the preceding subclass to Spearfisher, however can be learned by anyone with the proper requirements, and without another subclass. Chef costs 1297 silver in total including meat expenses, skills, and frying p


2. Chef - Discuss Everything About Rogue Lineage Wiki | Fandom

  • Warning: Before you go this class make sure to not cook all the meat in 1 go, cook 21 then speak to trainer and cook the next batch and speak to trainer and ...

  • Rogue Lineage Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge!

Chef - Discuss Everything About Rogue Lineage Wiki | Fandom

3. Chef ultraclass | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

  • Chef's Knife- Soulbound Weapon of a chef, deals 15 damage every hit it as slow as a lords training sword with only 3 hit combo.

  • We did a good job on the super class, now for an…

Chef ultraclass | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

4. Ultra Chef & Super Chef | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

Ultra Chef & Super Chef | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

5. Food - Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

  • Food is a very important part of rogue lineage. It makes you regenerate faster and your food bar scales with the health x from armour and helmets.

  • Food is a very important part of rogue lineage. It makes you regenerate faster and your food bar scales with the health x from armour and helmets. Most food items need a Frying Pan which can be bought at Renova, or Sentinel for 5 silver. List of food: - Meat: Can be bought at Dorgon‘s store or Dorgan's store for 4 silver, restore about 50% of your hunger. A common type of food for everyone. If you own a Frying Pan you can buy (either 1 or 5) uncooked meat to cook for 25% less the price. -Cooked

Food - Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

6. rogue lineage chef | Discover - Kwai

  • Discover videos related to rogue-lineage-chef on Kwai. ... Jack Higgott POV Pasta Chef Cooking Fast! New GoPro Hero 12 #food #food ...

  • Discover videos related to rogue-lineage-chef on Kwai

rogue lineage chef | Discover - Kwai

7. Chef Superclass | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

Chef Superclass | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

8. Ishikk - Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

  • Ishikk is the super chef trainer (located at isle of eth) he is behind the front If you are a pit fighter but lack chef subclass he will say something ...

  • Ishikk is the super chef trainer (located at isle of eth) he is behind the front If you are a pit fighter but lack chef subclass he will say something similar to this, "oh well! you smell kind of bad, so I dont want to!" If you are a max chef subclass, but dont have any EXP at ALL he will say "Um! I dont know! I could teach you how to use a trident, but.... I'm not very good at teaching complete beginners!" Ishiik and the Sub Chef trainer are both Ashiins, unusual cause Ashiins don't seem like t

Ishikk - Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

9. theoretical chef fist ultra | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

  • 10 dec 2021 · ... chef to let us cook potatos and get exp that way)). Heres the quest. Trainer: "hey , you ... Rogue Lineage Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  • It would derive from either type of super however…

theoretical chef fist ultra | Fandom - Rogue Lineage Wiki

10. Chef Trainer Rogue Lineage Novels & Books - WebNovel

  • Browse WebNovel to online read 700+ chef trainer rogue lineage stories. We provide the most popular chef trainer rogue lineage light novel like: The King of ...

  • Browse WebNovel to online read 700+ chef trainer rogue lineage stories. We provide the most popular chef trainer rogue lineage light novel like: the king of beast trainers, gourmet of another world, transmigration: the little chef calls the shots.

11. Spearfisher Dragon Knight | Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

  • Get the required spear XP (8 zombie scrooms per skill, 24 in total.) Max out Chef sub-class (longest step); Talk to Ishikk at the Isle of Eth. 75 silver per ...

  • (This page is a work in progress, feel free to add or fix anything here) NOTE: There is currently a bug that happens if you get Dragon Knight before getting Spearfisher, allowing you to get only one skill from the Spearfisher. Get Spearfisher first to prevent this from happening. (This is no longer the case.) Do you like insane damage, easy to hit combos, AND incredible range? This is the hybrid for you! With incredible range, you can probably hit someone in Khei from Gaia using this and with in

Spearfisher Dragon Knight | Rogue Lineage Wiki - Fandom

12. ROGUE LINEAGE | CHEF GANKING - смотреть видео онлайн от - Rutube

  • 6 jul 2024 · Смотрите видео онлайн «ROGUE LINEAGE | CHEF GANKING» на канале «Квесты в мире приключений» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 6 ...

  • yessir

ROGUE LINEAGE | CHEF GANKING - смотреть видео онлайн от - Rutube
Chef Rogue Lineage (2025)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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